Expand Your Living Space – Basements, Porches, Patios, Walkways, and More…
BasementWe specialize in repairing and rejuvenating basement floors. Similar in cost to tile, hardwood floor and carpet, our coatings are permanently attached to the concrete surface preventing moisture from entering and creating that musty basement smell. Protect your children from the dust, dirt, and grime stains on the bare concrete. Our industrial grade products will beautify and protect your floor, expand your living space, and increase your home value.
Quickly and effectively enhance the mood within your home with a high impact flooring solution that is created to last. Choose from a range of seamless finishes, dazzling glossy finishes, sparkling clear coats and contemporary designs, all of which are easy to clean. The concrete floor coatings we use in basements are 100% solids Poly Hybrid products that emit zero VOCs (Volatile Organic Compounds), classifying them as “Green” environmentally friendly products.
Our coatings can also preserve your patio, porch or walkway that are exposed to the elements. Contact Us Today for a free estimate!